Monday, 1 February 2016

February 2016 – People before profit

Interface Financial Planning was formed in 1992 with the aim of providing professional advice and quality service to people with modest income and wealth. It started with the values of putting people before profit, and contribution before reward. These values have endured throughout and they have remained at the forefront of what we do. We believe that this mission statement has been vital because it has been our torch to light the path ahead and without an ideal we would not have a standard by which to judge our shortcomings. So where are we today after 24 years: We are satisfied that high quality advice has always been provided and our record and client testimonials provide the evidence. However providing a consistently high quality service has not always been easy without sufficient resources and support and is in the area of service that we are focussing our improvements during 2016. For those of you who have looked at our website recently you will be aware of the many people who are now engaged by Interface Financial Planning. Nicola has proved to be the rock on which we have built over the last couple of years and to add further support we have added Sarah Harvey and Eileen Murphy. Nicola or Sarah may contact you in the near future to ensure that you are getting everything that you need so please look forward to receiving their email or telephone call. Before we leave the topic of values, Alan’s top ten values are: Integrity, Compassion, Respect, Contribution, Honesty, Trust, Fairness, Loyalty, Sincerity, and Equality. Are your values similar? I dare you to log on to our creation at: and find out what yours are! Please let me know how you get on.

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